Day 1: An introduction to yoga

At the start of this month I started putting together daily emails that would shed a little more light on the practice of yoga.

It is becoming more and more popular in the western world and in December on several occasions people said to me that their intention for the new year was going to be to start yoga, to try yoga or to do more yoga.

So here we go! Ready?

I will look at the physical practice (this is what got me hooked and still rocks my world) but I am also going to un wrap some other aspects of yoga. Hopefully in a light hearted way – don’t worry nothing wildly hippy or too scary. Hopefully with this new knowledge on the days you can’t physically get to a class you will still be practicing and moving in the right direction.

Personally I don’t believe that stand alone yoga is the be-all and end-all (relating to the physical aspect here). Throughout the month I may look at other elements of health and wellbeing; things I have learnt as an osteopath, more about the practice of pilates, tips for training outside of the yoga studio and maybe a few other surprises too.

Depending when you start reading this, I will be sharing these posts and messages via Instagram, Facebook and Email – or I will have shared. In which case you can now flip through these blog posts and catch up.

If you find them beneficial, and I am hoping the answer is yes and you don’t all bugger off, then please share the love and pass them on.

You can forward them onto friends who already do yoga and may want to know more, or those who are new and keen to see what it is all about. Alternatively let them know where to find me on Facebook and / or Instagram.

I hope you enjoy this journey and learning more about a practice which is overwhelmingly life changing and totally addictive.

Lots of Love,

Jess x

P.S. If you had told me that 10 years ago I would have also thought it crazy so you’re not alone.

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